2004-02-25 . 8:58 p.m.

I need a new belt. These don't hold up my pants OR my skirt. Only my jeans (which I never wear except to horsebackback riding and when it's raining because they're warm). Seriously. like right now, My pants are basically falling down.

Sorry. Guess you didn't reallt need to know that. Damn. I missed American Idol again. Oh well. I suppose Law and Order SVU is more mentally stimulating than watching unattractive people sing badly. But definitely less amusing....Oh well. Still hungry. Be right back. Must go forage while no one is around....Hold on.

Dad was up. Had to settle for sock-like protein bar. Not so bad. We ate a lot of these when Mom and I were in Japan. Especially Kyoto cuz they had like NO restraunts with anything edible besides fat toast. But the air was so thick with cigarette smoke that you hardly noticed what you were eating anything.

I think I have brain damage. mom told dad all about how the nice lady at the Three Sisters (ryokan in Kyoto) gave us a really nice breakfast the first morning we were there. I have ABSOLUTELY NO MEMORY OF THIS. None. At all. I don't even remember most of Kyoto. And it was only two years ago. Maybe the effects of falling of Diamond and cracking my helmet really bad did last. Maybe they call me Head Injury Girl for a reason. Hmmm.....I need to go listen to Linkin Park. Loud. Whatever.

I have a feeling I'm about to be told to go to bed. Mom's home. Dammit. It's only nine. *WHY* do they do these things to me.

Still hungry. I want some beef wantons....And french fries....And Cherry Garcia popcicles from Ben & Jerry's....And Coke...and fried rice....and ravioli (didn't I have that for dinner?)....and garlic bread....and scrambled eggs....and french toast.....And fried chicken...And those honey Mustard pretzels Dior gave me the other day....and grilled cheese....

Maybe I'm premenstrual. That would explain the strange the strange cravings. Yeah. i bet that's it. Darn. Don't need that right now.

Just food....

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