10-22-06 . 11:48 pm

Placebo changed my life tonight, I think. I love him like I love a man who doesn't exist and like I've ruined the entire male population for everyone who knows me and everyone who reads.

I don't know why I am so infuriated by those who attempt to better themselves. It makes me seethe. It makes me hate them so much, I can't even tell you.

I refuse to be united by anything but vice and instability and I will not have your religious principles come in conflict with them.

Reach back down to my level again.

Everytime you try to reach above, I swear you're just pushing me back down. I'm inferior, but decidedly so. I choose to rest in what I am; I pick it, I do, I swear I do.

Oh, I don't even care anymore.

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