06-19-06 . 9:15 pm

If you ask for a haircut- A haircut- for six months straight and everyone refuses to do anything is it wrong it to feel just a little slighted?

I don't know what else I can do.

I mean, I don't even have any fucking glasses. I only have one pair of pants, and they don't fit. I start summer school on Wensday and I don't have any pens or pencils or paper.

These aren't ridiculous demands, right?

I don't even know how not to feel angry about it. I can't fucking drive myself anywhere because no one will teach me.

I'm really trying not to get all adolescent about it. I'm not gonna say the i word. I'm not going to. I know other people have lives- I know they're really busy.

I know that.

But I just don't know what to do anymore. It's just getting ridiculous.

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