05-28-06 . 4:13 pm

Went to the cabin with Maddy and her friend Angelica.

I have a cold. And I do not like weekends, especially long ones.

I also do not like colds.

And I do not like not being able to see Mr. Havok aka MOTHER next Monday, due to the very small issues of "school" and "sleep" and "homework".

I do, however, like new dresses and old No Doubt songs.

The end.

I need someone to come over and cut my hair and things and help me dye said new dress and do my roots and I have to shave my legs and other non sequiters of personal hygeine...

Someone explain why the only people of the opposite gender that I have ever been attracted to have been pale, dark haired, and have exceedingly intellectual forms of speaking...

I need more kleenex.

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