04-21-06 . 6:38 pm

People- cough, cough my friends, cough- who call their boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other "baby" need to choke on something large and pointy.

"Baby" is not a term of an endearment. It's what you call infants and animals who are fated to never die.

Neither of which, just for the record, are, you know, positive or dear.

But, you know, what- Fuck, if I know anything.

My meat purse is finally done. It looks like this, if anyone's wondering. Except red, not pink, meat on both sides, and the purse running laterally (and hanging longer). Because I'm amazing and design my own purses and have the ability to have them made.

I'd take pictures, but I'm still pretending I don't know that my camera's broken.

i watched Grey Gardens with my mom and my sister today. And my sister stared at the two of us and then the movie and told us that she had to leave the room because the ability to see the future was getting old. Just because I was wearing this sari on my head. (It's a long story).

My sister's an asshole.

And, just for the record, sometimes spending time with other people makes me remember why boys are afraid of me.

And why that doesn't actually bother me.

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