02-14-06 . 7:00 pm

Hating Valentine's is so over.

I don't really understand how people can get angsty about it. I don't understand how you can have that much time to waste.

How can you be that selfish?

I guess I wouldn't know.

Relationships seem only bent for backwards self-gratification.

I don't have time to waste like that.

I just... I can't get my head around it. Nothing about it- any of it- even vaguely registers with me. I can't even explain confusion- Well. Not confusion.

It just doesn't click.

I couldn't ever throw stuff away like that- I have my whole life, you know?

I've made my whole life out of falling apart at the seams. I couldn't see it doing anything but ripping it faster- Not that there's any liklihood. Possibility.


You know, I just can't decide if it's all I want, but I don't believe it or I'm just too ashamed.

I hate being a liar.

I hate not even caring that I am.

This is so...


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