12-27-05 . 1:35 am

I only dream of exhauste smoke and city lights. One day, I'll fucking get out of this town, and find one that's my own. The only comfortable place is Hollywood, lately. The only safety exists in anonimity, and yet I still find that everything he says is true.

I should take note not to take classes from ex-psychologists who take note in your transgressions, for I fear my fate is as his own.

I just want some friends of the opposite gender for variation lately. I'm so tired of whining.

Here is everything for the record. In reading a book about secrets, I realized that I have nothing worth losing.

1. It's all for show.

I am afraid to go anywhere where I was not different from the norm because when I was [average] I almost killed myself. It's not self expression, it's self protection- the protection of body from mind.

2. I'd like to believe in God, but my parents would like me anymore

It's always slightly paradoxical...

3. My body makes me feel like I have leprosy- It's isolation

I am bound to only love tall and slightly overweight antisolcial people for the rest of my life. They're the only one's who'd see it.

4. It's all deep seeded

The only years I was ever exposed to emotion and socialization and what I assume would be called the real world, I almost committed suicide. And, consequently, discovered punk rock and existentialism. Do you honestly expect my mental psychological state to remain safeguarded? I am matured by force and never by default.

5. I hate everyone out of jealousy

I just want it to stop.

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