08-28-05 . 7:02 pm

I'm going auburn.

Yes. That's right. I just want to match my ex-horse. I actually brought a picture of him to try and match colors. I'm sad... But, then again, my first horse and I matched.

People used to laugh at us.

We had the exact same color hair.

I saw the Brother's Grimm last night. It should have been fabulous, but it fell a little flat. The story was really bad, but it was beautiful.

...And I'll stop there because it's like I'm a drama major or something. Hmm.. I could really get all director on your asses to and get all into about how it was filmed and how the colors and pictures were supposed to produce a certain feel and how the costumes were and what all the metaphores and stuff meant...

But, honestly, I would need a blackboard and an audience.

[ You have no idea how bad I am. I pick everything apart and look at everything backwards. That's why I'm a director and not an actor or a designer, bitches.]


We got a new guinea pig. It looks like a wombat. And my sister wanted to name it Debbie and I wanted to name it Tubesock...

...So it's name is Ophelia.


It's fucking hot here! Grrr...

And I have no money :(


Anyway, weee rilo kiley! weeee kaiser cheifs! weee femme fatality! weeeeee magazine!


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