08-05-05 . 1:48 am


So just trust me when I say that honestly...

I never really knew what the phrase "extreme mood swing" meant until now.

(God bless medication, I swear)

Because I'm either running around throwing cake and yelling some combination of "WEEEEEE" "I LOVE YOU!" "YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING FAG." "LET'S GET MARRIED!" "PONIES!" or...

Asleep and wanting to cry because my whole poor little emo world is just falling apart.

Shut upski.

I'm not crazy I just...

Shut up. Again.

I bet SANE people don't get to throw HALF as much wedding cake at odd moments that I do. And, come on, what's better than that?

It's kinda scary though. You can just tell it by my stories. The new one's all... Uh... More random. And amusing.

I can't write the other story because I'm afraid I'll just make a space ship come down and kidnap them in the middle of a tense scene and the world will be overtaken by Bert McCracken, Sheep Lord.

See, but you guys are fortunate enough to not even know me in real life.

Because... Well. I really am obnoxious. And you wonder why teachers (and everyone else) always know who i am within about a week? It's because I never shut up.


And, somehow, my sense of humor isn't as widely appreciated.

Apparently, some people haven't yet realized that I'm just completely full of shit like 90% of the time.

So when I'm telling you a story about how all my relatives work at a nuclear waste plant so I have cousins who have, like, tentacles and stuff and they all have bad teeth and funny toupes...

Oh wait.

That one's true.


Oh well. The world will be sorry when I am releashed on it.

It was funny...

I had a friend tell me i was doing a public service by being straightedge...

Sadly she's probably completely right...

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