06-15-05 . 2:07 pm

I keep finding all these diaries on here. CRACK me up.

"I can't remember a time when things were good...Everything is so black!"

Shit, kids. I mean, I know emo gothness is soooo trendy right now, but how you can manage to constantly whine about everything is completely beyond me.

And I always like how they blame everyone else.

Cause you know, it's not like they could get off their asses and stop whining and CHANGE something. God fucking forbid.

See, and that's the thing. While I am a useless loser, I don't just sit around and do drugs and slit my wrists because I'm too pathetic and stupid to actually take initiatives for myself.

But, you know, I'm just to sick and heartless to really understand their pain.

You're right, children. You should kill yourselves.

Save us the work.

And now....LOVE!

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