01-31-05 . 9:41 pm

Man, today fucking sucked. It really did.

And so my only resolution was to eact lots of ice cream and listen to Bauhaus.

Which really is as unproductive as it gets but I'm a young and useless music snob, what do you want?

But why did it suck, you ask? Here, in handy list format is what Mondays are lame as hell.

1. I did not get my new laptop today like I was supposed to. I'm getting it tomorrow. And the damn store doesn't even have the hot pink bag I wanted. What the fuck.

2. I started PE today. I already know I am going to fail. Like, oh my god. The teacher has already marked me out as surly unreasonable fat kid who won't do anything. (Which is a pretty accurate description, but still...)

3. I got yelled at in Latin for not paying attention. Uh, hello? Duh. You try sitting through Sister Marylouis having you say permitto remitto intermitto ablative accusitive facio whatever ten thousand times.

4. My best friend decided she wants to live at home and become a hermit. And not go to college or get a job or drive. Ever. She is a shit head.

5. I found the Emo Whorebag Queen's myspace. She is such a fucking whore. And even the sight of her little ♥ ♥ ♥ made me want to beat her with a large pointy object.

6. I had such a scary dream last night. It was aweful. My mom was dead and so was Alix. And there was this big black bear and zombies and people dressed up like old Victorian ladies. And the elevator went all Tower of Terror on us in this big scary house. And it was really aweful, so I'm like "Hey, man, this fucking sucks. I'll just fly away and ditch these zombie/giant bear losers."

Only when I tried to fly away from the lameass situation, I couldn't because there was chicken wire...

...In the sky....

Shut up.

It was totally scary. You all just suck.

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