09-16-04 . 7:41 pm

Today some girl asked me if I would consider letting her try to convert me.

Whatever you say, Hilary Faye.

She also said it was sad that I didn't beleive in God. That I was an atheist. That I didn't beleive in heaven.

Whenever people say stuff like that, they always make atheism sound like such a bad thing.

Like I'm some weird satanist.

It's not that I don't beleive in...Anything...I just don't beleive that I need someone to tell me how and when to do it.

And, unlike these Catholic girls seem to think, it also doesn't mean that I'm a moraless whore.

I have a very strict set of morals. But guess what? They're my morals. Not what some old guy in a dusty church told me were mine.

We hade our first pep rally today.

They have them in the middle of the day so you have to go.

It's bullshit.

It's pep for the sake of pep alone.

That's like being happy for no reason....

...How come things like that never happen to ME?

Oh right. The moralless whore thing...

Anyway. I don't see what there is to even cheer for. The school fucking sucks.

They're just cheering because they're a part of it.

That's like cheering because you're wearing shoes.

Yes. You are wearing shoes. We can all see it. It's NOT A BIG DEAL.

You don't need to get all excited about it, for god's fucking sake.

I was the only person who didn't cheer. Our class won the stupid "Spirit Jug", anyway.

Despite my best efforts.

Alix told me I was going to hell.

I told her that I had to beleive in something to go there.

I don't like Catholic school.

I think my parents are sending me there to try and convert me.

Not to a catholic, but just to a stupid 'good kid'.

I'm not bad. I just...Have strong opinions and know who I am. I don't need some school to tell me.

I am not one of them, and that's okay. I don't need to be.

They don't even say anything about the tattoo designs I draw. They just say they're pretty.

My parents just say tattoos are vulgar.

They fail to realize, of course, that, were it not for THEIR purchasing of tattoo magazines, I wouldn'r have half the stuff I do.

I'm tired. I slept all day again.

And I just realized that I didn't participate once all welcome week.

Not once.

I'm the only fucking one too. And yet...I still seem unaffetced. Hm.

Okay, and here's some math for you:


50% Emo

11% Riot Grrl

26% Not interested and/or Bland, Boring Radio Rock

20% Rap and Hip Hop etc.

3% Punk/New Wave

1% Psychobilly/Rockabilly. (i.e....Me)

Fuck that, man. I've got no one to talk too.


"So...Do you listen to heavy metal, like Green Day?"

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