07-18-04 . 8:41 pm

Today I watched a whole program about People and Their RVs. Apperantly, your RV says quite a lot about you.

Yeah, so that was completely depressing. Just another cheerful reminder that really our entire country is just destined to burn in hell.

Though their was this really gorgeous hot pink RV with Elvis on it....

Fuck. I cannot believe I just said 'gorgeous RV'.

Oh, and to top things off, not only did I not get to go to the book store, I had the song "Psychobotches Outta Hell" stuck in my head. ALL DAY.

That, I think, was almost as bad as the time when I was staying with my very conservative grandparents and had the lyric "You think I'm a sucker, Oh you're fucking sick- The only thing I suck is my man's dick" stuck in my head. At the dinner table.

Actually, in retrospect, that was really funny.

To me, only, let me assure you.

And just now, after putting a pink pleather bean bag chair on my face and then sitting on it, my sister chased me around and through the house.


And then (No, I'm not trying to for sympathy whore here, but come on), at the movie theatre, I swear to god. I almost killed these kids.

I think they must have gone to Dana cause they were about my age.

The girls....Man.....Talk about slutty anorexics destined for teenage pregnancies and abusive husbands.

I don't think it would have been possible to wear any less clothing. But, due to *severe* (and very obvious) eating disorders, they did not have the typical flab hanging out that so many unfortuante females these days do.

Oh, and to top it off- bleached hair (curled), and lip and nose rings.

It was so....Gross. And depressing.

And a different depressing than watching a whole show about RVs.

But it still just screamed "Can't you see it? Can't you see? We weren't meant to live like this. We-are-all-just-going-to-hell-for being such fucking glottonous whores!".


Yeah, don't remind me.

And it's hot.Really hot.

And I live a block away from the ocean. It's never hot here.

But, no.

God, I can't even think of what it would be like in....The Valley.....Ew.


I hate everything.



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