06-22-04 . 8:21 pm

Chaos. Just chaos.

My mom is completely postal due to the fact that we, uh....Well. Have nothing washed or packed...And we're leaving in less than twelve hours...Fuck.

Everyone was being so insane, that I just went and took a shower. Had a difficult time shaving. This would be due to the fact that my knee caps fucking move around inside my knees.

And, yeah, that's as gross as it sounds. Chelsea, I think, will willingly attest to the fact.

But seriously. You cannot shave when your kneecap won't even stay still....Fucking genetics....

You see, I have this problem where my knee caps don't have enough muscle around them, and thus have less constact with my bones...So everything kind of grates around...That's also gross...And painful.

I was supposed to go to physical therapy for it...But I quit after awhile. Because Codename Philipe, the therapy dude, was creepy...And told me I had to get new shoes...Ha ha ha.


So I had to go horse back riding today...Again....And then I saw Milena at some restraunt. That was a pleasent accident.

So, uh, now I have to go and pretend to be productive.

Will write later.

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