06-18-04 . 11:41 pm

God, I'm bored. And really I'm just typing this to take up space. And (ow) I have eyeliner in my eye...Fuck- hold on....,

OK. That's better. I think.

Anyway. I know I'm trying desperately to just accept the fact that people are stupid, and stop obsessing over it, but this one was funny.

Today, I was on Quizilla (big fucking surprise) and came upon yet another un-informed "aRe YoU a TrUe pUnk oR a POseR?" quizzes. Well.

This one was a lot stupider than the usual ones. And so, apperantly, was the person who made it.

They were so ridiculously uniformed, that I left them a note saying that absolutely none of the bands they had mentioned were punk, so why were they making a quiz about being a punk?

The reaction:

ummmmmm....blink 182 and good charlotte are punk, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP

I was dying. Seriously. It was so funny.

So I just sent them a note back calmly explaining how revoltingly wrong they were. Not like it's gonna make any difference...Oh well. So much for my attempts...


"Dude, I think Milena would look hot if she were smeared in a mixture of blood and car oil while wearing hot pants and a tube top with a checkered sweater tossed over her shoulders and a bowler cap with a humongous plume coming out of it *gasp* THERE'S an idea..."

And, Amanda, while you are probably entirely correct (which is sad), it's just a bit weird to say out loud...

I hope you read that Millie.

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