06-05-04 . 11:54 pm

You've all heard me bitch about the play right?

Well, I take it all back.

I would rather do that for the rest of my life than be right here. At home.

Let me explain.

Today I had to do two three and a half hour plays with one break in between. It's really hard work (obviously). And usually I hate it.

But I guess it's okay being there with all of your friends. It makes it all good.

And the fact that social statuses are magically erased is good too. I share a dressing room with the cheer elite. And we get along fine. Because we're all going through the exact same thing. And it takes things like this to let us remember it.

Anyway. Back to my point.

So. Since the play is double-casted, I was only a lead in tonight's performance and my friend Amanda did the part in the afternoon. My parents came to see the play tonight.

It was so depressing.

I had to run out in full costume with my wig on to turn in my lavalier (personal mic), and I stopped to see them on the way.

I guess I really don't know what I had expected them to do.

But whatever it was, it wasn't what they did.

They just sort of stood there and looked at me. And then my mom said "It was good". And then no one said anything.

And so I left and got changed.

All around me there were parents hugging their kids and telling them how great they were and how proud they were of them and giving them these big ass things of flowers.

Me? Oh, I didn't even get told that I was good. Just "it". Just the play.

Oh but I? I apperantly was so unsignificant that I didn't even get praise.

And, you know, I was only a Fucking big enough part to get my own private BOW all to myself.

Honestly. And in the car my mom just critisized everything I did.

So let's look at this. My parents didn't even tell me I was at least a little good.

But when I got backstage, everyone seemed to be there for me.

I really love that.

I love how we're always there for each other.

Because apperantly no one else will be.

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