05-25-04 . 8:22 pm

My state of exhaustion is rather advanced at the moment.

It's revolting.

And I shouldn't even be writing this right now. Because, being the biggest proctrastinaor I have evr met, I have at least four to five hours of homework to do. Which is depressing.

Seeing as I am barely awake now.

And, idiotically, I just put on the one CD that without fail, will put me to sleep. At least on airplanes.

Coincidentally, it is also my favorite CD in the whole world. And I don't give a fuck if it's emo. Because, even though Finch is not my favorite band, this CD doesn not have one song on it that I couldn't listen to for hours.

Anyway. I don't even have anything to rant about. I...just need to do my homework.

Oh sigh.

I've decided that there actually are people I will miss from here. I've met some really amazing people. And a few who, though they've only known me for six or seven months, act as if they know me all the way through. And I'm pretty sure they do.

It's pretty funny how even your best friends can't really figure you out (Amanda(s) and Chelsea excluded), and then some guy from your drama class can second guess every single thing you're about to do. And why you're doing it.

I've never really had that before.

Anyway. I have to go.


Quote of the Day:

"Are you like gonna kick me in the balls now?" ---Christian.

Oh sigh.

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