05-19-04 . 6:08 pm

You know, some day I will end up in therapy.

And I blame all the kids on my bus.

Today, I got shamelessly mocked for going to an all girls' highschool where the chance of meeting any interesting guys is about.....none.


Just because these little assholes had their first frenches when they were twelve years old (hardly an exaggeration, by the way), does not mean they need to rub stuff in.

So now I'm sitting here listening to ancient (and slightly aweful) ska stuff from the 2Tone label and pretending that really everything is going to get better and really I'm not just on a downhill spiral into hell. Or some place like it. You know- Like Catholic school.

Things could always be worse though. I suppose I could be missing a limb or something. Or have one too many.

I guess I'd choose a School of Perpetual Isolation over having three legs.


But I bet that there aren't too many advantages to having three legs. Buying shoes would be so hard....

Anyway. Let's veer compltely off subject and start talking about having too many legs, shall we?

God. I am so tired...I can't beleive we still have school for another TWENTY days...Ugh. I am so ready to be out of this place...

Not that summer will be much better. I mean, all I get to do is sit in the living rooms of old people in England who are supposedly my relatives and talk funny. And then I have to go on another "family" vacation thing. Oh joy.

Did I metion that I really don't get along with the magority of my family?

Especially my aunt, who upon every visit would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Eventually I got so sick of it, I just said "A circus midget". And she kinda shut up...

But I guess today wasn't so bad. I did get to go watch band and chorus make a royal embarassment of themselves. That's always a plus. And I won some CDs or something from a contest I entered out of boredom about a week ago.

Anyway...I think that's it.

Excuse me while I go procrastinate some more.

Quote of the Day:

"You'd be much better off if you just put on a cover of mucus like these slugs."

Don't ask.

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