05-14-04 . 3:44 pm

I guess you'd expect Fridays to be good right? I mean, last day of the school week. Free for the weekend.


I have come to loathe the weekends. Because weekends mean drama rehersals.

Which I also loathe.

We had a half day today. It was remarkably non interesting.


It was so remarkably uninteresting that I don't even fucking have anything to rant about....Which is weird.

I don't have a quote either....Guess I'll just do that later.

God knows, I'll probably just sit in this room for another three or so hours. Because I have no fucking life.


And it's not like I could go be normal and watch TV (I hate TV) or go play fucking video games like every other kid I know- basically. I don't do shit like that.

And, as people have quite plainly told me, my life seems only to exist within music.

Which works for me.

But I guess other people seem to think that there are other, more important things to think about.

Like what?

Seriously. What the fuck do other normal and unobsessed girls think about?

As far as I can tell, most girls I know just talk about

a.) Shopping

b.) Orlando Bloom

c.)The O.C

d.) Orlando Bloom

e.) Whatever non-problems they have

f.) Orlando Bloom

g.) Themselves

And that was not an exaggeration. Really.

I think that my obsession is a little less damaging. Maybe.

At least it promaotes intellegence...

I'm really sick of people telling me that.

That I have no life.

Because if they weren't so fucking bitter about feeling inadiquite and self-loathing, they wouldn't care.

Because happy people wouldn't care if I knew what I liked.

But, then again, I don't actually know very many happy people.

So I guess that says something.

But it seriously pissess me off that the fact that I'm into what I'm into makes people irriated.

Hello? How is it any LESS irritating than being fixated on someone who is NOT EVEN VERY ATTRACTIVE.

Well. I guess I did have something to kind of rant about....Things like that just make me mad.

They tell me that there are better things to think about.

Yeah, well, all of you: there are better things to think about than how you feel about what I like.

Get your own fucking lives.

I have one. It's just categorized into something I'm happy with.

So fuck you.

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