05-13-04 . 4:26 pm

You know what's been pissing me off lately?

All this Straight Edge merchandise directed towards teenagers.

That's so fucking stupid.

And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Straight Egde really, it's just not for kids.

It becomes a stupid fad that way.

It became a stupid fad when middle school students put magic marker x's on their hands. And when hot topic sells straight edge patches.

Because I'll bet you half the kids at my stupid school don't really understand it or why it's relevant. I really hate that.

That's when the people you thought might have some clue about something end up being as bad as the kids in their new found glory shirts and good charlotte pins.

I have very little tolerance for that....

Anyway. Off ranting.

But that was hardly even a rant because....Well. Don't actually know WHY.

It just fucking wasn't.

So there.

I think.


Today was lame...And my radio station keeps playing all these emo songs. (it's internet radio).

God, the guy singing this song sounds like he has a head cold.

Or he is plugging his nose or something.

And trying to sound like what's his face.

Oooo...That sounded intellegent.


You know what else pisses me off?

When someone tries to have a conversation with you, without actually caring what you say.

There's this one girl I know. I don't understand why people like her.

((She's someone who bought a stud belt and called herself a "harcore punker"...Ha ha ha....She thought Good Charlotte was so fucking underground and cool....It was pretty hilarious)).

But anyway. I swear to god, every single time she tries to talk to me, she doesn't even give a fuck what I say.

The girl might as well be talking to a teapot.

It would care about as much as I would.

See, we used to go to school together. But then she turned into super-bitch and couldn't figure out that I though she was a fucking moron until she called me up one day. Let me describe how the conversation went:

Her: "HI!!!!!"

Me: Uh-huh. Who is this?

Her: What are you talking about? You should recognize the voice of your own BEST friend!!!

((That part was so revolting. So not only is she stuck up, she's got the intellegence level of gravel and acts like she's the fucking queen of the rodeo))

Me: Un, no. Who is this?

Her: Duh! It's Alexis!

Me: Oh. Well I have better things to do.

Her: But-

But then I hung up.

...I haven't gotten any more phone calls lately.....

I wonder why.

Well. I could rant about her for about nine more miles, but i don't think I will.

Because you don't know her.

((And let's hope you never will)).

So there's no legitimate reason why you should actually care....

Oh yeah. Chelsea and Amanda! Hurry up and finish your diaries already!!!!!

I want to read them!!!!!

Bwahahaha....Yeah. That was it....

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