05-05-04 . 8:31 pm

I have algebra homework to do.

But I'm not doing it.

Big fucking surprise.

Actually I'm doing everything possible not to do it. So if you are reading this I would really appreciate it if you sent me an e-mail (there's a link up there) or preferablt leave me a note.

I'm betting really irritating with this one girl. She sits next to me on the bus. And she's so remarkably ignorant.

Today she was talking about some new bathingsuit or something. I was not in a good mood and said that I didn't even own one bathing suit.

So she goes, "See? I told you you were goth!"

What the fuck.

For those of you who may know me, I'm sure you can imagine how that went over.

I was so fucking mad. There were so many things wrong with that statement.

1. Why does not liking swimming make me a goth?

2. Why do you think that goths don't swim? Do you imagine a Wicked Witch of the West Effect?

((actually....That would be kinda cool))

3. Why do you think that you can tell me what the fuck I am?

4. Your a fucking moron.

I'm sorry. I have no patience for people like that. She didn't even get that it made me really, really mad. And she asks me if she could burn my Anti-Flag CD.

As if. The kid was wearing a shirt that said "All American" in big swirly letters.

Do not ask me anything about my music unless you beleive in what it's saying or have a deep and genuine interst in the genre.

So fuck all of those people.

And now I have to break in these new character shoes for the stupid musical that I don't want to be in. And they seriously hurt.

And I'm being really fucking whiny.

Yeah. And at the moment I don't really care.

I'm pissed off.

And today we got a comment about how we cuss too much. So we took that literally. Every other word, man.

Other Quote of the Day:

"Hey fuck Lizz fuck is fuck my fuck hair fuck all fuck fucked fuck up fuck?"

"No fuck Amanda fuck. Your fuck hair fuck looks fuck just fuck fine fuck. Though fuck rather fuck frizzy fuck."

We have too much time on our hands.

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