05-01-04 . 1:17 pm

I swear to god- I could so kill my stupid ape-like phys. ed teacher right about now....Well. I could kill him anytime becacause he his a close-minded hairy rapist.....But today I actually ahve quite a bit of motive!

He was mad at the idiots in the rest of my class who weren't doing anything so he made us do like fifty push ups.

You have no idea how hard (and rather painful) that is when you have absolutely no upper arm strength to speak of....Like me....And the rest of my class.

It hurts to sit up. (my arms aren't stomach and upper back are)....

So now, oh joy, I get to go to a two hour rehersal because I have quite nearly sold my soul to the director of a play I don't even want to be in. It sucks so bad.

And my mom got mad at me because she is working on my costumes and the stuff she got doesn't fit me.

Like that's my fault. Riiiight.

I have film that needs to get developed....

You know what is highly unusual AND stupid???

I wish we didn't even have a weekend this week. I just want it to be monday.

Because as much as I hate school, next week will be generally simple because its testing. So all we do is sit in homeroom all day and go to around two classes.

And siting in Ms. Baumann's homeroom answering pointless questions that have nothing to do with anything but end up making a big impact is WAY better than being here or being in drama.

I hate drama. Which is weird because that was kind of what I was all about last year. But it just pisses me off now.

I don't have the patience for it....

Anyway. That was it.

I'm in a weird mood. You can tell byu what I listen to.

On any other day I would be listening to the regular crap but not today.

It's an all-ska all-the-time kind of day.

Which works for me, I guess.

The Special AKAs are good in my book....

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