04-20-04 . 10:24 pm

Well, here is an update on my oh so terribly fascinating life. Ha. Ha. Ha. I am boring. Whatever.


Do you have any idea what could make someone smell like dogfood? Like really, really a lot like dog food? Because this morning during second period, I swear to god the guy next to me reeked of beef cuts in gravy. It was scary.

And really unpleasent because we have long periods.

Today I had the typical very very boring horse back riding lesson with asshole horse who doesn't even care if I like knee him in the eye just so he can get some fucking grass and bucks me all the frickin time. Anyway. Said horse, being the large furry idiot that he is, pushes me into a gate where there was this big old wire poking out and then drags me past it, ripping this big ass hole in my shirt. RIGHT OVER MY BOOB. I swear to god. It's huge.

Yes, you laugh.

Ha ha ha. So fucking funny.

Mostly because then I had to go to a two and a half hour drama rehersal and people kept like staring at me.

Oh, joy.

That rehersal also sucked.Because we had to sing through the whole fucking thing. Yes, sing. For a festival scene. But Mrs. Drama Teacher has decided to have Rhiannon, Christian, and I sing a round of this god aweful medievel song. So incredibly not fun. I cannot even tell you.

Mostly it had to do with singing WAAAAAAAAAY out of my range. Christian, keep mind all of you, being a guy, has a really low voice- especially for singing. And I had to sing with him. And he was singing his highest at a fucking b flat. So by the end we (R. and me) both had very sore stomachs (because that was where we had to sing out of) and really sore throats from having to do it for.....what felt like ever.

And so here I am.

Not very much except pointless bitchin, but hell, what else does anyone come here for?

Need to change CDs.

Liberal Animation my NoFX while being lovely and enlightening, really does not improve ones headache. MxPx. That helps. You know what I just discovered. What's his name....Mike......yeah. Mike. From MxPx was kind of very hot. Like way back long ago. But still. Their drummer...holy shit. That's scary. You'd have to see it. In all the pictures he has these thick glasses, pasty skin, and is all sweaty. Ew.

Uhhhh....That was it. I guess....Argh.

Dammit. I knew something else happened. But.....I can't.....Remember what it was....So.

Yeah. Well.

There's articulation for you, right?


Quote of the day~

"Notice the hair on that bagel. Who does it look like? ME!"

Yes. We all wonder how I spend my time....

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