04-10-04 . 8:56 pm

Hello all.

Though it is highly likely that there is no all and just me sitting in my own small bat-cave like bedroom.

Well, I have just returned from a deep and desperate search for a present for my grandmother tomorrow. We drove through Pedro, Redondo, and PV. To absolutely no avail. None.

Though, on the plus side, I did manage to persuade my mother to take me into Borders when I purchased Black Sails in the Sunset by our good ol' friends of AFI and an on-sale copy of 1984.

And, though this may prove to be entirely shocking to those of you with weak systems, AFI really doesn't put you in a good mood.

Scandalous, I know.

This CD is vaguely reminiscent of eighties metal.

What? It IS.

Yeah, so my analogies are kinda off. I once told my friend Bryan that he reminded me of black fishnet stockings with red heels.

We haven't really spoken since.

But he DOES. You would so have to meet him. That is exactly what he is like.

And Joy! Rapture! The e-mail on my fucking computer is finally fully functional! I no longer have to be deprived of my own goddamn inbox!!!

Hopefully we can dye my hair again tonight. It gets REALLY hold to have normal hair after the bottom four something inches were purple for the whole fucking summer. So now I can go back to my abnormal normality.

Woah. My weird mood never wore off apparently. That was a whole nearly happy entry of absolutely moronic babbling. Oh, joy.

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