04-10-04 . 9:27 pm

You know what I have decided?

All those people out there who have now decided to use the word "Harcore" to describe EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD should just die.

They just should.

Its so....pathetic.

And it means nothing.


Oh my fucking god! And we all thought that it was the perfect adjective for everything that was just so, so punk.

Ooooo yesssss.....Simple Plan are just so hard fucking core.

Seriously. When you say (and I quote):

"I have now given up on Best Buy. I guess I'm just to xHardcorEx for them". And your template has a little thing that says "I'm Punk And I Like You." What the fuck does that say about you?!?!?!?!?

Yes, I know. Those of you out there *cough*Punkgurl531*cough* who are inclined to tell me not to let ignorancy piss me off, just think. How can you just sit there? How can you be alright hearing such MORONS. I don't understand.

I don't understand how people can be so tolerant of ignorancy.


Too fucking hardcore for BEST BUY.

Best Buy????

That's like saying "Oh, I'm too Hardcore to shop at the supermarket."

Well. Where the fuck are you supposed to get food then genius children???

And let me tell you something. The other day, some little kid asked me where I got some shirt. I told her. I don't even remember where the goddamn place was,but when she heard it she just goes "Oh. I heard that real punks don't shop there because it is supporting the media."

There are two things severely wrong with that statement.

1. Who the fuck said anything about me being a punk???? Why do you people keep labeling me? Random people now just come up and ask me if I am some sort of "Gothic Punker" or something. I don't get it! Is there some big sign on my back that says "Label Me!!!" or something? People tell me that I'm a punk even before they ask me anything about my goddamn musical interests. I don't get it.

2. The whole "supporting the media thing." Let me tell you something: everything is supporting the media.

When you turn on the television?

When you turn on the radio?

When you buy a CD by ANY band of ANY genre from ANY label?

When you buy clothes from any brand name?

When you walk into a restraunt?

When you wear band tees?'

All of that, my friend, is supporting the media.

They rule our fucking world.

And there really isn't a whole lot that we can do about it.

There just isn't.

So why would you accuse me of both being a punk and supporting the media when all you wanted to know was wear I got one damn article of clothing.

You people confuse me with your hardcore ways.

And you are just so, so hard fucking core.

It blinds me.


Just a bit of a rant for you.

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