03-24-04 . 9:59 pm

Listening to: The Misfits~ American Psycho

Holy shit.

I think that was one of the most revolting things I have ever read in my entire life (and, trust me, a lot of the stuff I am forced to read at school is not exactly G-rated).

I was on my computer, where I am not logged in, and checked to see what people had listed me as a fave, just out of plane intense boredom. Well, strangely enough, one girl had, and her diary lead me to another one.

And fuck. I have never read anything so scary. It was very mesmerizing. Like watching a car crash. You just can't look away. Three diaries. They were either absolute genius satires of today's society's pathetic attempt to mock punk.

Or they are absolute morons who really only deserve to be killed.

I think it was the first, but still. It was painful to read. They kept saying....and....that....SO MUCH SHORTHAND! They called NFG hardcore, said Rancid (RANCID!!! One of my favorite bands of all fucking time) a brand of clothes, and called emo elmo, and kept saying that preps should die and avril was a poser.

This. of course, tells me that it was all done in mock, but still....It was...Well, it reminds me of a lot of people at my school.

How the hell do they type like that??? All upper then lower cases??

It would take like an hour to write two fucking paragraphs!

And....Even though I think (PRAY TO GOD IT BE TRUE) that it as not what it said...I believe those will give me nightmares. Watching videos of babies being thrown out of second story windows during the holocaust did not give me nightmares. This will. I'm completely shaken.


Oh my god. I am so....I can't even say it.

It was like a personal insult reading this from a lot of people I don't know and (PLEASE!) nver will....

I can barely type this.

I didn't know that kind of idiocy (even faux idiocy) existed. I've met shrubbery more 'punk' than those people.

My hands are seriously shaking.

I...I think I'll go read it more.....It's so....

Damn....I feel ill.

People like that make me naseous.

God. I can barely talk in comprehensible English....Fuck.


I really can't talk.

I guess I'll just go...

This isn't getting me anywhere.

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