03-21-04 . 7:03 pm


Double sigh.

Triple sigh.

Today we had to go to fucking San Diego for basically all day. You know what I learned today? After living in southern california for my entire life, having never gone to Sea World before today is a serious accomplishment. The last place I went that was so remarkably lame was a pencil factory in northern england. It was SAD.

Really a lot. Sort of a scary, disgusting, low budget kind of sadness.


I am so bored.

I need to go steal my dad's clash CD and hope he doesn't notice....Hmmm....I wonder how I will pull that one off....Maybe I can just burn it tomorrow when he isn't home. That sounds good.

Argh. I have "Judy is a Punk" by you-know-who (if you don't, then you don't deserve to be told) and that song, as are all songs with the capability to play in a constant loop within your brain, gets REALLY old after awhile. Even when they are really great songs....

Sorry. I'm kind of babbling, but I am exhausten from complete disgust and boredom all day at the pathetic tortures tourists put themselves true and I think I sliced open the inside of my throat. And, yes, that IS as really repulsive as it sounds. But I have one really sore spot and its really hard to swallow and it frequently feels like I have a large pointy object lodged in the hollow of my throat.

Well, that's what I'll do then (I'm jumping backwards now). i will take my dad's clash cd (along with whatever else he won't notice is gone) tomorrow after school because I am once again put into the role of "babysitter" for my stupid sister......Hmmm.............Wow. I am braindead.

Well, that's reassuring.

Wait- maybe I can take it now. he just left his studio....Okay. I'll go look.

No. He came back.

Now he's leaving again.

Okay....I'm getting up and going to go get it....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I hate him!!!

I actually went to go get the damn thing and NEITHER of the CDs were in there (it's an there's two)....Which means it will be basically IMPOSSIBLE to take it because even he might remember what CDs were in the player....maybe.

So I guess I'll have to burn it tomorrow and hope I don't break the burner or something (but karma- I probably will because the whole worls apparently does not want me to own that album because I have tried to get it...what like a hundred times before...?)

Sigh. This is pointless.

Good music avoids me.

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